Twitter Facts

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Twitter is an online social networking and micro blogging service that enables users to send and read "tweets", which are text messages limited to 140 characters. Registered users can read and post tweets but unregistered users can only read them. Users access Twitter through the website interface, SMS, or mobile device app. Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco and has offices in New York City, Boston, San Antonio and Detroit.

Twitter Facts

Twitter Facts
  • Twitter is 7 years old.
  • There are more than 500 million Twitter users.
  • Twitter is the fastest growing social network in the world, by active users. 
  • That means that 21% of the world’s internet population are using Twitter every month. 
  • Twitter’s fastest growing age demographic is 55 to 64 year olds. 
  • China has the most Twitter users. 
  • 53% of Twitter users never post any updates but do listen, watch and click.
  • There are 288 million active users. 
  • 1/3 of Twitter users use Twitter daily. 
  • 1-in-3 monthly Twitter users are between the ages of 25-34. 

  • 3-in-10 monthly Twitter users are between the ages of 13-24. 
  • 63% of American Twitter users have a college degree. 
  • Twitter users are early adopters.
  • 4-in-10 American Twitter users own at least three or more computers. 
  • The average user has 208 followers. 
  • 400 million tweets are sent daily. 
  • Twitter users are active on other social networking sites everyday. 
  • Twitter users are naturally talkative and post on social media more often than other social network users.
  • The average Twitter user spends 107 minutes online per month. 
  • 1/3 of American Twitter users update their social networks daily. 
  • Female tweet more than men. 
  • Twitter users are far more likely to own technology like iPhones, iPods and iPads. 
  • American Twitter users spend about 4 hours online per day. 
  • 53% of Twitter users are female. 
  • 5 out of 10 Twitter users are from the US. 
  • 84.2% of Twitter users have specified location in their Twitter profiles. 
  • 10.3% of Twitter users have Geo-location enabled. 
  • "Love" is the most frequently used word in a Twitter user bio. 
  • 87% of Americans know about Twitter. 
  • 17 million Americans use Twitter actively. 
  • There has been a 44% growth in Twitter from June 2012 to March 2013.
  • There have been 170 billion tweets sent to date.
  • There are 210 billion searches per day. 
  • 53% of American Twitter use it to consume and not create content. 
  • 36 minutes is the average time spent on Twitter per day.

Twitter Facts about Business

Twitter for Small Business

  • 51% of active Twitter users follow companies, brands or products on social networks. 
  • 49% of monthly Twitter users follow brands or companies. 
  • Twitter users are 3 times more likely to follow brands than Facebook users. 
  • 42% of Twitter users learn about products and services via Twitter.
  • 67% of Twitter users are far more likely to buy from the brands they follow on Twitter. 
  • 37% of Twitter users will purchase from a brand they follow.
  • Close to 80% follow a brand to get exclusive content. 
  • Over 90% say they follow businesses on Twitter to get discounts and promos. 
  • 70% of small businesses are on Twitter. 
  • There is a direct correlation between # of tweets and # of followers. The more you tweet, the more followers you have. 
  • Tweet exposure has a positive influence on brand consideration. 
  • Twitter Shoppers go to 3 pages per visit.
  • 85% of followers feel more connected with a small business after following them. 
  • 32% said they are more likely to visit an SMB after seeing a promoted tweet that related to their interests or needs. 
  • 63% of people follow SMBs is to show support for that business.
  • 85% of people say they feel more connected to the business after they follow them. 
  • Twitter users frequently exchange info about products and services. 
  • Throwback Thursday has real value for your business. 
  • 42% of Twitter users say they use Twitter to learn about products and services.
  • Around 60% of Twitter users follow a brand to get customer service support. 
  • 66% of user-generated tweets that mention brands come from mobile users.
  • Promoted trends turn twitter users into brand advocates. 
  • 61% of Twitter users follow SMBs to interact with them and share ideas and feedback. 
  • 34% of users interacted with an SMB after seeing an ad with their Twitter handle advertised. 
  • Twitter users visit B2B tech brand sites at a higher rate (59%) compared to average Internet users (40%). 
  • Twitter users exposed to B2B tech brand Tweets are more likely to convert. 
  • 41% provide opinions about products/services. 
  • 19% of Twitter Users seek customer support.
  • 41% to provide opinions about products and service. 
  • 28% look for discounts and sales. 
  • Offline sales increased by 29% when using a promoted tweet. 
  • The average Twitter user follows five or more businesses. 
  • Only 19% of businesses tweet on the weekends. 
  • You can capture leads on Twitter with Twitter cards.
  • There is a different Twitter chat happening each day of the week. 

Twitter Facts by Raj UBR
Review by Twitter Community on Nov 12 2013
Rating: 4.5