Mesothelioma Facts

Mesothelioma - 

Mesothelioma FactsDefinition: Mesothelioma is an uncommon disease that causes malignant cancer cells to 
form within the lining of the chest, abdomen, or around the heart. Its primary cause is believed to be exposure to asbestos

Description: Malignant mesothelioma is also known as asbestos cancer or simply "meso." Mesothelioma causes cancerous cells to develop in the body's mesothelium, where they can spread to and damage vital organs and tissue. These malignant cells can also metastasize to other regions of the body. Mesothelioma is very difficult to diagnose and responds poorly to most treatment modalities, accounting for a poor prognosis.

The disease derives its name from the mesothelium, a sac-like membrane that protects most of the body's internal organs. It is divided into two distinct protective layers of cells: the visceral (the layer directly surrounding the organ) and the parietal (a sac around the body cavity). By releasing a lubricating fluid, the mesothelium allows the organs to move more freely within the body cavity; for example, the contraction and expansion of the lungs. The mesothelium is also referred to according to where it is located in the body: pleura (chest), peritoneum (abdomen), and pericardium (heart).

Over two-thirds of all mesothelioma cases begin in the pleura region. Pleurae mesothelioma spreads through the chest cavity, occasionally developing in the lungs as well. The disease most commonly causes pleurae effusion, an excess build-up of fluid inside the chest cavity. This excess fluid increases pressure on the lungs and restricts breathing. In addition, malignant cells can cause the pleurae lining to thicken and restrict the breathing space even further.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is the second most common form of the disease, accounting for less than 30% of all cases. Malignant cells form in the peritoneum, affecting the abdomen, bowel, liver, and spleen. Similar to pleural mesothelioma, the disease also causes a build up of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity. Normal bodily functions, such as digestion, can be hindered by the obstruction of organ movement.
Very rare forms of mesothelioma occur in the pericardium, as well as the mesothelium of the male and female reproductive organs. Cystic mesothelioma of the peritoneum, another rare form of the disease, occurs predominantly in women and is more benign in nature.
Malignant mesothelioma takes the form of one of three cell-types: epithelioid (50% to 70% of cases), sarcomatous (7% to 20% of cases), and biphasic/mixed (20% to 35% of cases). Of these cell-types, epithelioid mesothelioma carries the most favorable prognosis, followed by biphasic, and finally sarcomatous (very aggressive).

Mesothelioma remains relatively uncommon in the United States, with approximately 2,500 new cases reported annually. The incidence rates are much higher in Western Europe (over 5,000 cases reported annually). These numbers are expended to climb dramatically over the next 20 years. Older males (median age 60 at diagnosis) are three to five times more likely to develop mesothelioma than women. This is most like do to male predominance in those professions with an increased risk of asbestos exposure.

Causes and Symptoms of Mesothelioma:

MesotheliomaApproximately 80% of all mesothelioma patients have a history of asbestos exposure. The majority of these patients were employed in an industry that involved the use of asbestos in some fashion. In addition to occupational exposure, household exposure of family members is not uncommon. An exposed individual can carry the asbestos particles on their clothing, skin, and in their hair when they return home, resulting in para occupational exposure. Even brief exposure to asbestos, as little as one to two months, can result in long-term consequences. Although the dangers of asbestos have been known for decades, the long latency period of mesothelioma (30 to 40 years) means that majority of patients were already exposed as far back as the 1950's. It is estimated that up to eight million Americans have already been exposed. Several industries, in particular, show a higher incidence of asbestos exposure.
  • Insulators (Asbestos Workers)
  • Boilermakers
  • Ship-fitters
  • Steel workers
  • Maintenance workers
  • Plumbers
  • Brake mechanics
Symptoms: Mesothelioma is very aggressive once it truly takes hold. However, its initial symptoms are generally non-specific in nature and/or mimic other conditions, such as persistent pneumonia or gastronomical disorders. Some patients will exhibit no symptoms at all. As such, proper evaluation and diagnosis are commonly delayed and must be confirmed by a doctor.
Patients suffering from pleural mesothelioma most commonly exhibit signs of dyspepsia  pleural effusions, and/or chest pain. The majority of pleural effusion symptoms will exhibit in the right lung (60% of the time). Patients may also exhibit persistent cough, weight loss, weakness, fever, and difficulty swallowing.
Patients suffering from peritoneal mesothelioma most commonly exhibit signs of pain and/or swelling in the abdomen from fluid retention or tumor growth. Weight loss, nausea, bowel obstruction, anemia, fever, and swelling in the legs and/or feet are also known symptoms.

Mesothelioma Law Firm:

Mesothelioma Law Firm can be found in every town and city around the world. Many Mesothelioma Law Firm offer a no win no fee business model which is great for the effected person seeking a Mesothelioma Law Firm as there is no initial cost to take on a Mesothelioma sufferers legal compensation case. Everyone who suffers from Mesothelioma should get a Mesothelioma Law Firm to work on their behalf as they could be aware legal compensation from the exposure to asbestos.

                                                        Mesothelioma Law Firm will in most cases be keen to pickup and run with your Mesothelioma legal compensation case. Remember that if you are willing to seek Mesothelioma legal compensation and when looking for the best Mesothelioma Law Firm to check their Mesothelioma case history to ensure they have a history of winning Mesothelioma Law Firm cases. The Mesothelioma Law Firm should have their Mesothelioma case history which they should be abl to provide you as evidence that they know what they are talking about when it comes to Mesothelioma legal compensation.
Some Mesothelioma Law Firm are full of hot air and not often able to deliver on their promises so always ensure you do your homework when choosing the best Mesothelioma Law Firm suited to your exact needs.

Mesothelioma Facts by Raj UBR
Review by Mesothelioma Community on Nov 12 2013
Rating: 4.5