Things Killed by Smart Phones

Things you no longer need because of Smart Phones -

Smart phones

Smartphone or Smart Phone -

A smartphone or smart phone is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system , with more advanced computing ability and connectivity of a feature phone . The first smartphones combined the functions of a personal digital assistant ( PDA ) , including e -mail functionality with a mobile phone . The added functionality later models portable media players , digital cameras compact low-end video cameras , pocket and GPS navigation units to form a multi- platform use. Many modern smartphones also include high- resolution touch screens and web browsers that display standard web pages and mobile optimized sites . Access to high-speed data is provided by Wi-Fi, mobile broadband, Bluetooth and NFC . In recent years, the rapid market development of mobile applications and mobile commerce have been the drivers of smartphone adoption.

These are the Things Killed by Smart Phones...

  • Telephones.  
  • Pagers 
  • Flash Lights (Torch Light)
  • Contact diaries 
  • News Papers
  • Magazines
  • Compasses
  • Cameras
  • Notepads
  • Stick notes
  • Voice Recorders
  • Radio
  • Walk-men 
  • Audio Cassettes / Video Cassettes
  • Calculator
  • Watches
  • Alarm Clocks
  • Watches
  • Stop watches / Stop Timers
  • Mail / Letters...
  • Telegram 
  • Portable Game systems
  • Maps
  • GPS Systems
  • Encyclopedias (the year book)
  • Yellow pages
  • Takeout Menus 
  • Photo albums

These are the Things i noticed that were almost killed by Smart Phones..

some of these might be still in existence, but surely lost their prominence due to Smart phones..

Thanks for Reading...

Smart Phone Facts by Raj UBR
Review by SMART ERA on Nov 12 2013
Rating: 4.5